Lawyers in the Library

Our Lawyers in the Library clinics connect you with an attorney for a FREE 20-minute legal advice consultation. Our clinics are free of charge and are conducted by volunteer attorneys.

General Advice -MLK Library Lawyers in the Library

20-minute Phone Consultation

General Advice -Santa Clara City Library Lawyers in the Library

20-minute Phone Consultation

Small Claims Court

1st Wednesday & 3rd Friday of each month
20-minute Phone Consultation

Wills, Trusts, Probate and More

2nd Friday of each month
20-minute Phone Consultation

Advice Available to Start-Ups

(Registering a Business, Developing, Negotiating, Managing the Contracts, etc.)
1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month
20-minute Phone Consultation

General Advice -Walk-ins

4th Sunday of each month
10:00am-12:00pm Walk-ins Only
4415 Fortran Court, San Jose, CA 95134
20-minute Consultation
Host: Shia Association of the Bay Area (SABA)
For information, please contact Jawwad at: or 408-693-5710