General Overview of Services

If you have a legal problem in a civil matter in Santa Clara County and you live in this County of Santa Clara, but cannot afford a private attorney, we might be able to help.
Some of the services we can provide include:

  • Domestic Violence with/without Custody Matters
  • Reentry Civil Legal Services
  • Paternity Issues (referred to Pro Bono Project by the Court)
  • Lawyers in the Library

If you need assistance with representation in any of these matters, contact us.

If you just want to talk to a volunteer attorney to get some legal advice, you can sign up to attend one of our Lawyers in the Library sessions.

“The clients were often very grateful for the representation that they received.  I remember them bringing little gifts to express their gratitude –  from coffee to tamales!”

The Hon. Erica Yew, Judge Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara

“It is a moral breath of fresh air to see people exercising their brainpower and giving time to help people who need help.”

Don Rodriguez, Former PBP Board Member